Gentle, easy, quick and reliable: the modern way of temperature taking


Fever is one of the most commonly presenting complaints in childhood. The most likely cause is infection. Because of an inexperienced immune system, children typically get higher and quicker fever than adults. The immune system of newborn babies is relatively immature, and has to develop over time through exposure to various pathogens such as bacteria, viruses or fungi. But the immune system also assumes other roles, including tissue repair and wound healing. The activity of the immune system is often accompanied by a rise in body temperature.

Fever is a common response to infection in the body. It can help fight infection. The term refers to an elevated temperature of the body that is substantially beyond the normal range.

The presence of a fever is usually related to stimulation of the body's immune response. Fever can support the function of the immune system against infectious agents such as viruses and bacteria, and can make it difficult for temperature-sensitive viruses and bacteria to reproduce.

  • Increased body temperature
  • Headache
  • Tiredness
  • Muscle and joint aches
  • Chills, shaking and shivering
  • Sweating
  • Flushed skin and warm forehead
  • Increased heart rate
  • Loss of appetite
  • Dizziness and general weakness

(Not all of the symptoms occur or appear at the same time)

* adults and children from 6 months old