What to do when adults suffer from fever?

How you should care for yourself

Here are some tips that might be helpful:

In case of increased temperature (37.6 °C - 38.4 °C)

  • Rest is important for recovery.
  • Make sure you drink enough.
  • Check your body temperature at regular intervals.
  • When you recover, you do not need to take any further action.

In case of fever (38.5 °C - 39.0 °C and above)

  • Rest is important for recovery.
  • Make sure you drink enough.
  • Check your body temperature at regular intervals.
  • Only eat light, easily digestible food.
  • Take fever-reducing medicine if needed but only after consulting your GP (general practitioner) or other health care providers.
  • Lukewarm sponge baths may give you some relief of the fever.

Should I call the doctor?

It is not always necessary to contact your doctor because of increased temperature or a fever.

You should call the doctor if:

  • The fever is accompanied by diarrhoea, vomiting and abdominal pain.
  • The fever lasts for more than three days.
  • The fever is reoccurring and relapsing.
  • The fever does not decline in spite of fever reducing measures, such as Ibuprofen or Paracetamol.

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