
Blood Pressure

To determine your blood pressure, two values have to be measured:

  • SYS – systolic (upper) blood pressure – this is generated when the heart contracts and blood is pumped into the blood vessels.
  • DIA – diastolic (lower) blood pressure – this is produced when the heart relaxes and fills up with blood again.

The measured values for blood pressure are displayed in mmHg.

To better evaluate the results, Veroval® blood pressure monitors offer a traffic light colour system that directly describes the results to enable easier categorisation of the measured value. The World Health Organisation (WHO) and the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) & European Society of Hypertension (ESH) have developed the following summary for classifying blood pressure values:

  • Established hypertension (high blood pressure) is defined as having a systolic value of at least 140 mmHg and/or a diastolic value of at least 90 mmHg.
  • Generally, blood pressure is described as being too low (hypotension) when the blood pressure value is less than 105 mmHg (systolic) and 60 mmHg (diastolic). However, the threshold between normal and low blood pressure (hypotension) is not as accurately specified as the threshold for high blood pressure (hypertension). Hypotension may be indicated by symptoms such as dizziness, tiredness, tendency to faint, visual disorders or a high pulse rate. In order to ensure that hypotension or the associated symptoms are not signs of a serious illness, a doctor should be consulted in the event of doubt.
Initially, high blood pressure does not cause any symptoms, and those affected do not even notice. That means that most of those affected do not even know that they belong to this patient group. The danger is that if blood pressure is permanently too high, there is an increased risk of damage to vital organs such as the heart, kidneys and eyes. Regular measurement gives reliable information about the development of blood pressure values. This is important in order to recognize risks early on and to avoid the consequences of hypertension.
If hypertension remains untreated in the long term, further serious illnesses may occur, including heart or circulatory problems such as myocardial infarction, weakness of the heart (heart failure) or stroke. But renal weakness or decline of vision are also among the possible consequences.

The decision about which type of blood pressure monitor to use is mostly a matter of personal preferences. Regarding the requirements for technical measurement accuracy, clinical tests and tests for legal conformity, there are no differences between wrist and upper arm devices, so basically you could use every Veroval® blood pressure monitor.

However, there are certain advantages to each of the device types which you can consider when making your decision:

If you already suffer from cardiovascular diseases such as cardiac arrhythmias, the upper arm blood pressure monitor Veroval® duo control should be your first choice for measuring your blood pressure daily. To ensure high precision even with cardiac arrhythmias, the Veroval® duo control measures blood pressure with DUO SENSOR technology

In addition to cardiac arrhythmias, we recommend upper arm devices for people with vascular diseases, diabetes mellitus and for users over the age of 60. Due to the constriction of the vessels, it is easier to obtain more accurate values with upper arm devices. For accurate blood pressure readings, the correct position of the cuff at heart level during the measurement is very important. This is particularly easy with an upper arm device, as it is already ensured when the cuff is applied to the arm. For users who are unable or find it difficult to apply an upper arm cuff, a wrist device is recommended. Reasons for this can be too-large upper arms, obesity, or limited mobility.

In case you are not affected with either one of the conditions mentioned above, and you are looking for an easy to handle device, a wrist blood pressure monitor offers fast measurement and convenient handling. For your best personal health, we recommend choosing the model you feel most comfortable with, because what matters most is that you measure your blood pressure frequently and regularly at home.

There are many behavioural risk factors for the development of hypertension, including:

  • Consumption of food containing too much salt and fat, and not eating enough fruit and vegetables
  • Tobacco use
  • Harmful levels of alcohol use
  • Physical inactivity and lack of exercise
  • Poor stress management

In addition, there are several metabolic factors, including:

  • Diabetes
  • High cholesterol
  • Being overweight or obese

Secondary causes might be:

  • Kidney disease
  • Endocrine disease
  • Malformations of blood vessels
  • Preeclampsia (hypertension that occurs in some women during pregnancy)

In some cases there is no known specific cause for hypertension. Genetic factors may play a role.

People with normal threshold blood pressure (systolic between 130 and 139 and/or diastolic between 85 and 89 mmgH) are recommended a better diet, meaning above all less salt and regular exercise. Values of Grade 1 hypertension (140–159 and/or 90–99 mmHg) and above require more profound lifestyle changes, such as muscle-strengthening activities twice a week, consuming less alcohol, no tobacco and regular check-ups. Medication complements these lifestyle changes, ideally not the other way round.
Take medications as prescribed by your doctor and never change the dose on your own. Your self-measured blood pressure values are for your information only – they are not a substitute for medical examination or treatment. Please do not interpret your measured values by yourself, and do not use them for self-prescribed treatment. Take measurements based on the instructions of your doctor, especially when you are on a medication plan.

Cardiovascular risk is a person's risk of developing a cardiovascular disease (CVD).

The exact cause of CVD isn't clear, but there are lots of things that can increase the risk of getting it. These are called "risk factors". The more risk factors you have, the greater your chances of developing CVD.

The main risk factors for CVD are outlined below.

  • High blood pressure
  • Smoking
  • High cholesterol
  • Diabetes
  • Inactivity
  • Being overweight or obese
  • Family history of CVD
  • Ethnic background
  • Other risk factors (e.g. age, gender, diet, alcohol)

The more of these risk factors apply, the higher the cardiovascular risk.

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a general term for conditions affecting the heart or blood vessels. CVDs are usually associated with a build-up of fatty deposits inside the arteries (atherosclerosis) and an increased risk of blood clots. They can also be associated with damage to arteries in organs such as the brain, heart, kidneys and eyes.

There are many different types of CVD. Four of the main types are:

  • Coronary heart disease
  • Strokes and transient ischaemic attack
  • Peripheral arterial disease
  • Aortic disease

Your blood pressure values change naturally many times a day. Most fluctuations are normal and caused for example by the time of the day, physical activity, stress or weather. Our internal clock influences and controls the daily sequence of many processes in our body, including blood pressure.

Fluctuations are therefore natural, and blood pressure usually has a daily pattern with two natural peaks during the course of the day:

Morning: blood pressure reaches its highest level, usually in the first two hours after awakening.

Noon to early afternoon: values drop slightly.

Evening: blood pressure rises again and reaches a second high point.

Night: blood pressure drops to its lowest level, which is often about 10 to 15 % lower than the daytime value.

Veroval® blood pressure monitors follow the recommendations of the European Society of Hypertension (ESH) and differentiate between measurements taken in the morning and those taken in the evening. With this information, your doctor is more likely to identify the right treatment for you if you should need medical treatment for high blood pressure.

If you notice irregular or high fluctuations in your daily blood pressure, there is an increased risk of circulatory disease, which should be checked by your doctor.

Blood pressure readings can only be compared with one another if they were taken when you are resting, and always at the same time of day. Studies have shown that higher blood pressure readings are obtained in the doctor's surgery in about 25 % of patients compared to measurements made at home. This phenomenon is called "white coat hypertension" or "the white coat effect". This is not a disease condition, because the higher blood pressure in such cases is caused by the stress situation and nervousness during the visit to the doctor. These raised blood pressure readings, however, can be the first indication that high blood pressure will develop in the long term.
High blood pressure in pregnancy occurs in about 10 % of all mothers-to-be. It must be monitored and treated carefully. Blood pressure self-measurement during pregnancy is advisable in every case, and should follow consultation with your doctor.

Veroval® Duo Control Blood Pressure Monitor

The Veroval® duo control blood pressure monitor is the best choice for those patients who are already suffering from cardiac or circulatory diseases – e.g. arrhythmias – and take their blood pressure on a daily basis. It is also recommendable for anyone who values particularly high precision and demands a comfortable measurement.

Veroval® duo control:

  • DUO SENSOR technology: oscillometric and Korotkoff microphone measurement method
  • Detects irrgeular heartbeat and measures correctly even in case of cardiac arrhythmias
  • Resting indicator for precise results
  • Has a backlight
  • Can measure the ambient temperature

Veroval®Upper Arm:

  • Can be connected to Veroval® medi.connect
  • Cannot check the ambient temperature
  • Does not have the resting indicator
  • Cannot detect/measure arrythmia
  • Measures using the oscillometric method

Veroval®Compact upper arm:

  • Cannot be connected to Veroval® medi.connect
  • Cannot check the ambient temperature
  • Does not have the resting indicator
  • Can detect/measure arrythmia
  • Measures using the oscillometric method
The advantage of the patented DUO SENSOR technology in the Veroval® duo control blood pressure monitor is that it combines two measuring methods, and thus offers medically precise blood pressure measurement results, even in case of cardiac arrhythmias. On the one hand there is the standard method of measuring blood pressure – the so-called Oscillometric method (measuring of arterial pulse waves) – and on the other hand the so-called Korotkoff method, in which a highly sensitive microphone records the sounds of the flowing blood in the artery. Since it is very reliable (gold standard), doctors also use the Korotkoff method to measure blood pressure. If you want to know more about the two measurement methods, you can also watch our informative film about the topic.

Blood pressure measurement can be performed by two methods: the auscultatory or traditional method and the oscillometric method.

The auscultatory or traditional method determines blood pressure by monitoring Korotkoff sounds with an inflatable rubber cuff around the upper arm at approximately the same vertical height as the heart, usually attached to a mercury manometer. The cuff is manually adjusted and inflated by squeezing a rubber knob, until the artery is completely occluded (about 30 mmHg above systolic pressure). The cuff pressure is then slowly released. As blood begins to flow through the artery, the turbulent stream creates a synchronous pulsation of the pulse (first Korotkoff sound). The pressure at which this sound is first detected is the systolic blood pressure. The cuff pressure continues to be released until no sound can be detected, when the diastolic blood pressure is obtained. The Veroval® duo control, although not a manual mercury manometer, follows the same principle by determining the blood pressure by monitoring the Korotkoff sounds.

The oscillometric method uses an electronic pressure sensor with a numerical blood pressure reading. In most cases the cuff is inflated and released by an electrically operated pump and valve which can be adapted to the wrist (raised to the level of the heart), although the arm is preferred. The cuff is initially inflated to a pressure above the systolic blood pressure, and then the pressure is lowered below the diastolic pressure. Once blood flow is resumed, but limited, the cuff pressure will vary periodically in synchronisation with the cyclic expansion and contraction of the brachial artery. Systolic and diastolic pressure values are calculated from the raw data using an algorithm.

If they occur regularly, they may be a first sign of a circulatory disorder (ischemia) or an inflammation of the heart muscle (myocarditis).

Veroval® Upper Arm Blood Pressure Monitor

Veroval® blood pressure monitors indicate possible irregular heartbeats with the following symbol:

Differences in blood pressure measurements on either arm of up to 20 mmHg (systolic or diastolic) are very frequent and generally harmless. Decide by comparison which arm gives higher blood pressure readings, and always measure on the arm with the higher readings.
It is not possible to make a general recommendation, since there are many different abnormalities of heart rate which must be considered individually. In principle, however, oscillometric devices can only measure accurately when the pulse signal provides usable values. In some arrhythmias (irregular heart beat), e.g. absolute arrhythmia, oscillometric measurement is not possible because of the "missed" and very irregular pulse signals. In this case the stethoscope must be used. With milder or less frequent arrhythmias, oscillometric measurement is usually possible. If in doubt, measurements should be taken several times at one-minute intervals and the readings averaged. However, in every case, you should discuss this in detail with your doctor.

Veroval® Compact Upper Arm Blood Pressure Monitor

Veroval® blood pressure monitors indicate possible irregular heartbeats with the following symbol:


Please read the instruction leaflet carefully before using your Veroval® product for the first time, since correct blood pressure measurement requires correct operation of the device. These instructions will guide you through the individual steps for measuring your own blood pressure. You will be given important and useful hints to ensure that you obtain reliable results for your personal blood pressure profile.

Many factors play a role in blood pressure measurement. These ten general rules help you to measure correctly.

  1. Avoid nicotine and alcohol for an hour before measuring your blood pressure.
  2. Do not drink any coffee immediately before measuring it.
  3. Ensure your bladder is empty. A full bladder increases blood pressure by about 10 mmHg.
  4. Do not measure if you are under stress, in pain or afraid. These factors affect blood pressure.
  5. Ensure when measuring that the cuff is put on in the right place. If you wish to measure your blood pressure with the upper arm device, the edge of the cuff must be 2.5 cm above the bend of the elbow. If using a wrist device, the correct site of measurement is 1 cm above the wrist.
  6. When positioning the wrist or upper arm, ensure that the site of measurement is at heart level; if the position deviates by about 1.5 cm, the blood pressure changes by + 1 mmHg.
  7. Relax your arm muscles during measurement. Tensing the muscles increases the blood pressure by about 10 mmHg.
  8. Do not talk during the measurement. Conversation during measurement can increase the blood pressure by about 6-7 mmHg.
  9. The upper arm must not be constricted by clothing when measuring with an upper arm device. The best thing is to remove all clothing from the upper arm.
  10. Check before measuring that you have applied the upper arm cuff correctly. If you can push two fingers under the edge of the cuff, you can start measuring. A cuff that is too loose or too tight gives readings that are too high or too low respectively.
  11. Have a rest for one minute before you repeat the measurement.
  12. Remember that blood pressure levels are subject to a characteristic diurnal rhythm, and can change according to the time of day and the daily demands at that moment. To obtain comparable readings, the best thing is always to select the same time for taking the reading.

Veroval® Wrist Blood Pressure Monitor

The Veroval®Wrist blood pressure monitor has an integrated visual position control (measurement at heart level). In addition, it has an arrhythmia detection, which is particularly important for hypertensives, a large display for easy reading of the measured values and a traffic light system for classification of the results. The blood pressure monitor can be connected to a PC via the supplied USB cable. On the PC, you can evaluate the measured values using the Veroval®medi.connectsoftware. The memory of the device can store 2 × 100 measurements (user 1 and user 2) and the average values of all measurements, including all morning and all evening measurements of the last 7 days.
If the wrist is not held at heart level during measurement, inaccurate measurements will be obtained. Because correct placement of the cuff at heart level is essential for accurate measurement, the Veroval® Wrist blood pressure monitor comes with an additional aid, a visual position control system, which indicates the correct position of the monitor. If ‘OK’ is seen on the monitor, the correct position has been found.
The Veroval® wrist blood pressure monitor stores up to 100 measurements for each user memory (a total of 2 users possible), as well as the average value of all measurements and the evening (PM) & morning (AM) average of the last 7 days. The most recent measured value is displayed first, and the oldest last. Once all memory slots are occupied, the oldest value is deleted. The blood pressure values are always stored together with the date and time.
Blood pressure readings can only be compared with one another if they were taken when you are resting, and always at the same time of day. Studies have shown that higher blood pressure readings are obtained in the doctor's surgery in about 25 % of patients compared to measurements made at home. This phenomenon is called "white coat hypertension" or "the white coat effect". This is not a disease condition, because the higher blood pressure in such cases is caused by the stress situation and nervousness during the visit to the doctor. These raised blood pressure readings, however, can be the first indication that high blood pressure will develop in the long term.

Stroke Prevention

Atrial fibrillation is the most common cardiac arrhythmia and can only be detected when it occurs. It is characterized by a markedly accelerated, constantly irregular heartbeat. When atrial fibrillation occurs, the atria can no longer properly support the heart chambers during pumping. As a result, the heart does not empty completely and blood remains in the atria, where it can form clots. These clots can enter the brain and trigger a stroke.

Although atrial fibrillation is not directly life threatening, it indicates a five-fold increased stroke risk. It can therefore become life threatening if it is not recognized and treated by a doctor. Because atrial fibrillation can be asymptomatic and can only be detected when it happens, it is difficult to recognize. Patients suffering from hypertension should be cautious, as hypertensives in particular have a doubly high risk of developing atrial fibrillation, which can lead to dangerous blood clots that cause strokes.

Signs of atrial fibrillation are often unspecific, such as palpitations, dizziness, shortness of breath or chest pain. Up to 30 % of the people who suffer from atrial fibrillation do not feel any symptoms at all.

2 in 1 Veroval® ECG and Blood Pressure Monitor

Stroke prevention is especially important for people over the age of 50, or people suffering from hypertension, diabetes or hyperlipidemia. In general, there are two important factors which are accountable for heart attacks and particularly strokes: these are high blood pressure and irregular heartbeat, particularly atrial fibrillation.

Therefore, our Veroval® combination device is the ideal monitoring product to check those factors regularly. The good news is that more than 80 % of strokes can be prevented. Beside some non-influencable risk factors, such as old age, being male, family history or having already suffered a stroke, you can reduce your stroke risk by:

  1. Taking charge of your own health and living a healthy lifestyle: eat healthy, stay active, avoid smoking and drinking too much alcohol.
  2. Managing your blood pressure, ECG, cholesterol and diabetes.
  3. Taking your medication as recommended by your doctor.

Talk to your doctor about your stroke risk and set up a prevention plan that’s individually tailored for you.

The Veroval® ECG and blood pressure monitor is a single channel ECG that can detect various arrhythmias – for example atrial fibrillation, extrasystoles – and therefore helps to make a preliminary assessment by carrying out a basic recording.

  • If status messages repeatedly deviate from the norm, it is recommended to undergo a medical examination.
  • Regardless of the measurement result, the patient must immediately seek medical treatment by a doctor if he/she notices any symptoms that may indicate acute heart disease.

Recording a 1-lead ECG is not a substitute for medical treatment! The device is not a substitute for either a medical examination of heart function, nor recording of a medical electrocardiogram, which must be obtained using more elaborate measuring equipment. The device does not diagnose any medical conditions that may be the possible cause of the change observed in the ECG.

The 2 in 1 Veroval® ECG and blood pressure monitor stores up to a total of 128 ECG and/or blood pressure readings, including the date and time of the measurement (64 readings for each of the 2 users). The most recently measured value is displayed first, and the oldest last. Once all memory slots are occupied, the oldest value is deleted.


  • Increased body temperature
  • Headache
  • Tiredness
  • Muscle and joint aches
  • Chills, shaking and shivering
  • Sweating
  • Flushed skin and warm forehead
  • Increased heart rate
  • Loss of appetite
  • Dizziness and general weakness

(Not all of the symptoms occur or appear at the same time)

Veroval® Fever 2 in 1 Infrared Thermometer

The Veroval® Fever 2 in 1 infrared thermometer offers an optical fever indication with a colored LED light. If a temperature taken is less than 37.6 °C the fever indicator lights up in green. If the temperature taken is 37.6 °C or higher the fever indicator lights up in red.

The Veroval® Fever 2 in 1 infrared thermometer offers two different ways of taking temperature: in the ear and on the forehead. It is possible to select between the two modes according to preference. You can set it to take either ear or forehead temperature readings by using the mode switch on the side of the thermometer. With only 1 second (or the duration of the scanning procedure for forehead measurement) the temperature is taken very fast. Using the supplied single-use protective covers ensures that taking a temperature in the ear is especially hygienic, and the risk of transferring bacteria or viruses is greatly minimise.

Further advantages:

  • Ear mode measurement in a second
  • Fast and easy temperature measurement
  • The infrared thermometers from HARTMANN have been developed in Germany with the HARTMANN quality assurance guidelines. Designed to meet customer needs, they meet high stability standards
  • Smooth, safe and hygienic measurement by using disposable protective covers
  • Easy cleaning of the measuring sensor
  • High measuring accuracy
  • The high measuring accuracy of the infrared thermometer has been proven in clinical studies
  • Memory function: The infrared thermometers from HARTMANN store up to 10 readings in the memory function, simplifying overviews of fever progression.
  • Optical fever indicator: If the body temperature shown on the screen is 37.6 °C or higher, the screen will light up red as a visual alert to indicate a fever
  • Recommended for clinical use, recommended for home use

The Veroval® Protective Covers are intended to be used together with the Veroval® 2 in 1 infrared thermometer. In combination with the thermometer, the disposable protective covers allow a very hygienic measurement of body temperature in the ear. The single-use product helps to prevent cross-contaminations and infections by transmission of bacteria or viruses. The product is made of smooth plastic with clear membrane, and is free of DEHP and latex.

You’re also welcome to watch our video about the usage of the protective covers.

To ensure a long service life and accurate temperature readings, careful handling and proper cleaning are extremely important. The measuring sensor is the most important and most sensitive part of the device. To ensure the most accurate measurement, the sensor must always be clean and undamaged. Please use only a soft, moistened cloth or 70 % alcohol (isopropyl alcohol) to clean the measurement tip and the sensor. Please do not use any aggressive cleaning agents or solvents, as they can damage the device and cloud the display. Make sure no liquid penetrates the inside of the thermometer. After cleaning the measuring sensor, wait until the cleaning liquid has dried off completely before taking a measurement. We recommend keeping the thermometer in the storage box to protect it from environmental influences.In order to keep your thermometer as functional and hygienic as possible, please make sure you use the single-use protective covers with the device when taking the ear temperature.

The Veroval® Fever 2 in 1 infrared thermometer is a clinically-tested quality product, and offers you high measurement accuracy. The device is designed to meet customer needs and high stability standards at the same time.

How accurately a thermometer measures temperatures is part of the required Clinical Study, and is described by the parameter "clinical accuracy". Clinical accuracy describes the ability of an ear and forehead thermometer to give a reading close to the core body temperature, and is specified by the 2 characteristics "clinical bias with its standard deviation" and "clinical repeatability". In clinical tests the Veroval® 2 in 1 infrared thermometer achieved a clinical deviation of only 0.06°C and a clinical repeatability of 0.13 °C.*

*test requirements acc. to ISO 80601-2-56, ASTM E1965-98, and EN 12470-5 standards.

We fully comply with the legal requirements and guarantee the required measurement accuracy of ±0.2 °C (ear-mode – measuring range: 35.5 °C – 42 °C) and ±0.3 °C (forehead-mode – measuring range 35 °C – 42 °C)

Further information:

The clinical standard deviation specifies an average difference between temperatures measured by the Veroval® device and a reference thermometer. The clinical repeatability shows how consistently the Veroval device measures temperatures from the same subject at the same ear by the same operator.

In order to keep your thermometer as functional and hygienic as possible, please make sure you use the single-use protective covers with the device when taking the ear temperature. If a single-use protective cover is not used, earwax may accumulate on the measuring sensor, which may lead to inaccurate temperature measurement or even transfer of an infection between different users. It is therefore imperative that the measuring sensor is always clean when taking a temperature.Replace the single-use protective cover after each use. The ear thermometer may only be used with single-use protective covers by HARTMANN, as other single-use protective covers may cause measuring errors.

Clean the device and the measuring sensor with a moist cloth and a mild detergent or a suitable disinfectant, e.g. 70 % isopropyl alcohol solution (active substance: 2-propanol).

For non-waterproof thermometers:
Make sure no liquid can penetrate the inside of the thermometer, and never immerse the device in water or other cleaning agents!

For waterproof thermometers:
Do not immerse the thermometer in liquid for longer than 30 minutes, and do not immerse it any deeper than 15 cm

Please do not use any aggressive cleaning agents or solvents, as these can damage the device and cause the display to become opaque.

Body temperature measured in the ear and on the forehead can be influenced by several factors. Please follow some rules for precise measurements:

  • Check if the measuring sensor is clean and undamaged
  • Select the correct measurement mode (mode switch on thermometer)
  • Use a single-use protective cover (for ear mode) and blue forehead cap (forehead mode)
  • Consider an acclimation time of 30 min for thermometer and device
  • Ear/forehead should be clean and "healthy" (injuries and diseases can lead to false readings)
  • Avoid measuring when the measuring location is artificially warmed up
  • Ensure correct handling of thermometer
This device is designed to measure human body temperature in the ear and on the forehead only. Please do not use this thermometer to take temperature measurements on any other parts of the body or on objects – this will lead to false measurement results.

Used correctly, the Veroval® infrared thermometers provide reliable results for both measurement methods.

In direct comparison, however, ear measurement is usually superior to forehead measurements. Why? The ear measurement method is ideal for accurate temperature control because the eardrum is very well supplied with the same blood as the vessels for the hypothalamus, which is responsible for the thermoregulation of our body. Temperature changes can be measured quickly, and the progress can be monitored easily. In addition, this measurement method is less susceptible to interference from exogenous factors.

In the end, the measurement accuracy of both methods depends mainly on their correct use.

Veroval® Baby 3 in 1 Infrared Thermometer

The thermometer measures the infrared radiation emitted by the skin on the forehead and the temple area and by the surrounding tissue. The radiation is picked up by the sensor and converted into temperature values. The highest measurement recorded is displayed on the device.

Similarly, if the temperature measurement is carried out as a surface measurement of an object or as a room temperature measurement, the sensor detects the radiation emitted from the surface of the object respectively of the ambient air in the room.

Contact free infrared thermometers use a modern measuring sensor technology to provide a body temperature value of high measurement accuracy. It is the most advanced and safest method of measuring the body temperature currently on the market. It is convenient as well as easy to use.

A non-contact forehead thermometer allows measurement of the temperature of babies, children and adults to be taken without skin contact in only 3 seconds. The thermometer is simply moved across the forehead over the temporal artery: a positioning light integrated into the head of the sensor enables guided handling of the thermometer during the scanning process. This eliminates the need to physically insert a probe into a body cavity such as the ear canal or rectum, which is not always well received by very sick children and babies. When a non-contact thermometer is used, you can take your child‘s temperature even while he or she is sleeping, absolutely silently and without bothering or even waking him or her.

Contact-free body temperature measurement is safe and hygienic because the temperature is measured without skin contact. The risk of contact transmission of bacteria or viruses is minimized. Therefore Veroval® Baby is ideal for use on babies and children.

Veroval® Baby additionally allows the measurement of the surface of an object or the room temperature in a further measuring mode. It can therefore be used in multiple ways.

The device automatically stores the last 10 measurements taken from the forehead or an object. When all 10 memory positions are occupied, the oldest temperature reading is then overwritten. Saved temperatures can be retrieved as described in the instructions for use.


An unbalanced diet with a lot of fat food is one of the main risk factors that can influence hypertension. It is also proven that a healthy diet can contribute to the normalisation of blood pressure.

With the help of Veroval® weighing and smart scale, a body analysis can be included in the long-term documentation and linked with other vital values. Measurable success also motivates and encourages your compliance to a healthy lifestyle!

People with active medical implants (e.g. a pacemaker) or people with electrically conducting implants (e.g. artificial hip joints) as well as pregnant women.

The Veroval® Scale has 4-Memory functions for 4 family members. It stores up to 30 measurements for each user memory. The oldest measured value is always stored at memory position number 1 and all newer stored values shift up by one memory position. Once all memory slots are occupied, the oldest value is deleted.

The measured data can be conveniently stored. In addition, the values can be analysed and shared by e-mail or PDF-printout with the doctor. A further advantage is that the values can be crosslinked to the data of other Veroval® devices for example the blood pressure monitor, thus enabling a comprehensive health analysis that can assist your doctor in his or her therapy recommendation.

Veroval® Scale

The Veroval® Scale operates using the principle of bioelectric impedance analysis (BIA). Determination of body composition is made within seconds using this technique. Using this measurement of electrical resistance (impedance) and including other constant or individual values (age, height, gender, degree of activity), body fat content and other contents in the body can be determined. Muscle tissue and water have high conductivity and therefore a low resistance. Bone and fat, on the other hand, have low conductivity because the fat cells and bone tissue barely conduct any electricity because of their high resistance. The values determined by the weighing scales represent only an approximation of the medical, real analysis values of the body. Only a specialist doctor can precisely determine the percentage of body fat, body water, muscle percentage and bone mass using medical methods (e.g. computer tomography).

Ideal weight is very individual. A guideline for the ideal weight is to use the mean of the BMI for normal weight (21.75) relative to the person’s height: 21.75 × height in m2 (example: 21.75 kg/m2 × 1.8 m2 = 70.47 kg).

The active metabolic rate (AMR) is the quantity of energy that the body consumes each day in its active state, that is, the calorie requirements in kcal per day used for activity. The energy consumption of a human rises with increasing physical activity and is determined by the level of activity (1 – 5) entered into the scales. If over a longer period less energy is supplied in the form of nutrition than is consumed, the body essentially obtains the difference from its fat stores and weight decreases. If, however, more energy is supplied than the calculated active metabolic rate (AMR) over a longer period, the body cannot burn up the excess energy. The excess is stored by the body as fat and weight increases.

The values for the body fat are shown on the display and assessed as ‘low’, ‘normal’, ‘high’ or ‘very high’ and depend on your age and sex. The percentage of body fat is normally within the following ranges (please contact your doctor for more information):


Keep in mind that a lower value is often measured for athletes. Depending on the type of sport, the intensity of training and your physical constitution, values can be measured that are further below the guidelines indicated. Please note that there may be health risks associated with extremely low values.

The percentage of body water is normally within the following ranges:


The muscle percentage is normally within the following ranges:


Like the rest of our body, our bones undergo natural processes of growth, breakdown and ageing. Bone mass increases rapidly during childhood and reaches its peak between 30 and 40 years. As you age, your bone mass starts to gradually decline. If you have a healthy diet (particularly calcium and vitamin D) and regularly exercise, you can slow this process down. You can also strengthen the stability of your skeletal structure using targeted muscle growth.

Please note that Veroval® scale does measure minerals of bones. The scale does not identify the calcium content of the bone, but rather the weight of all bone components (organic substances, inorganic substances and water). There are no recognized guidelines and recommendations available.

Do not confuse bone mass with bone density. Bone density can only be determined using a medical examination (e.g. computed tomography, ultrasound). Drawing any conclusions about changes to the bone and bone hardness (e.g. associated with osteoporosis) is not possible using this scale.

The body mass index (BMI) is a figure that is often used to assess weight. The number is calculated from the values for the weight and height using the following formula:

Body Mass Index = weight ÷ height2. The unit for the BMI is therefore [kg/m2]. Weight is classified using the BMI for adults (aged over 20 years) with the following values


Clean and Disinfect

Only use a damp cloth to clean the scale. If required, you can spray a little cleaner on the cloth. Do not use any aggressive cleaners and never immerse the scale in water.

Do not clean the scale in the dishwasher!

The electrodes must not be cleaned with alcohol or disinfectant.

With the Veroval® smart scale, body parameters such as weight, BMI, bone mass, body fat, muscle and water can be determined and analysed. The intelligent scales also automatically calculate calorie requirement and ideal weight. The clear to understand display is detachable and connected wirelessly to the scales, so that the displayed values are easy to read. With the Veroval® medi.connect software all values can be stored, graphically processed, shared and combined with other Veroval® devices.