Gentle, easy and quick: the reliable thermometers for all situations

Veroval® Fever 2 in 1 Infrared Thermometer

Ear and Forehead measurement

The Veroval® 2 in 1 infrared thermometer offers quick and easy temperature measurements with two methods, either in the ear or on the forehead.


Thermoval® Baby 3-in-1 Infrared Thermometer

The non-contact and silent thermometer to keep your child asleep. Especially suitable for measurement on babies, and also it can be used for adults.

Veroval® Baby 3 in 1 Infrared Thermometer

Silent and Contact-Free measurement

Take your baby’s temperature in a gentle and convenient way. The Veroval® baby infrared thermometer allows fast forehead temperature measurement in only three seconds – without contact or sound.


Thermoval® Standard Digital Thermometer

Pen-type thermometer 

The Thermoval® Standard digital thermometer is a pen-type thermometer allowing to measure the temperature either by the mouth, under the armpit or by the rectum.


Health Awareness

Learn more about your body temperature

Your family guide about the body temperature


Depending on how high the actual body temperature of the child is, there are certain measures that can be taken. We have some tips that might be helpful.

Fever is one of the most commonly presenting complaints in childhood. The most likely cause is infection. Because of an inexperienced immune system, children typically get higher and quicker fever than adults. The immune system of newborn babies is relatively immature, and has to develop over time through exposure to various pathogens such as bacteria, viruses or fungi. But the immune system also assumes other roles, including tissue repair and wound healing. The activity of the immune system is often accompanied by a rise in body temperature.

  • Increased body temperature
  • Headache
  • Tiredness
  • Muscle and joint aches
  • Chills, shaking and shivering
  • Sweating
  • Flushed skin and warm forehead
  • Increased heart rate
  • Loss of appetite
  • Dizziness and general weakness

(Not all of the symptoms occur or appear at the same time)

Fever is an elevated temperature of the human body that is substantially beyond the normal range.

Depending on the thermometer you use and on the measuring site you choose (depending on which measuring site your thermometer is suitable for), the table below gives you an orientation if your child has fever or if the result of the temperature measurement corresponds to a normal body temperature.

Measurement site
DescriptionEar / foreheadRectumMouth / armpit
Subnormal temperature<35.7<36.2<35.8
Normal temperature35.8 - 36.936.3 - 37.435.9 - 37.0
Elevated temperature37.0 - 37.537.5 - 38.037.1 - 37.5
Slight fever37.6 - 38.038.1 - 38.537.6 - 38.0
Moderate fever38.1 - 38.538.6 - 39.038.1 - 38.5
High fever38.6 - 39.439.1 - 39.938.6 - 39.5
Very high fever39.5 - 42.040.0 - 42.539.6 - 42.0

Clean the device and the measuring sensor with a moist cloth and a mild detergent or a suitable disinfectant, e.g. 70 % isopropyl alcohol solution (active substance: 2-propanol).

For non-waterproof thermometers:
Make sure no liquid can penetrate the inside of the thermometer, and never immerse the device in water or other cleaning agents!

For waterproof thermometers:
Do not immerse the thermometer in liquid for longer than 30 minutes, and do not immerse it any deeper than 15 cm.

Please do not use any aggressive cleaning agents or solvents, as these can damage the device and cause the display to become opaque.

The human body regulates the body temperature to a target value, although body temperature can fluctuate by up to 1 °C over the course of a day. Throughout the course of life, your average body temperature can decrease by up to 0.5 °C. Moreover, the temperature inside the body (core temperature) and the surface temperature on the skin have different values. Thus, there is no ‘normal’ body temperature – it always depends on the measurement site.

Measurement site
DescriptionEar / foreheadRectumMouth / armpit
Normal temperature35.8 - 36.936.3 - 37.435.9 - 37.0
Please note:
Your body temperature is also influenced by ambient temperature, your age, stress levels, how much sleep you have had, hormone levels and physical activity. While glass and digital thermometers measure the temperature of the human body directly, ear and forehead measurement involves determining the core body temperature using the infrared radiation emitted by the body. Even when the temperature is measured correctly, the reading can differ slightly from a rectal, oral or axillary temperature measurement obtained using a digital thermometer.