
Precise, gentle, easy: the latest
generation of blood pressure monitors

Blood presure wrist band

It all comes down to the precision.

If you want to monitor your blood pressure, you need a device with the best possible accuracy, easy to use. Thanks to their intelligent specifications, Veroval® blood pressure monitors prevent measurement errors: All products come with an intelligent control mechanism for correct-fit-check – for wrist as well as for upper arm monitors.

All Veroval® products have Comfort Air Technology, which is a technology that allows a more gentle inflation of the cuff. It determines expected blood pressure already when the cuff is being inflated and therefore only inflates as much as is individually needed.

Another great feature of the Veroval® blood pressure monitors: you plus another user can store the measurement values and look up your saved values anytime. 

Veroval® Premium blood pressure monitor

High quality for fair price - that is the brand promise of Veroval®. Even the most compact model provides reliable measurements and detects arrythmia. All monitors are clinically tested, simple to operate and offer high measurement accuracy for patients.
