To determine your blood pressure, two values have to be measured. First, systolic (upper) blood pressure: this is produced when the heart contracts and blood is pumped into the blood vessels. Then diastolic (lower) blood pressure: This happens when the heart relaxes and fills up with blood again. Blood pressure values are displayed in mmHg. So that you can understand your results more easily, a traffic-light system is available on the left side of the Veroval® upper arm blood pressure monitor that directly indicates the result, making it easier to categorise the measured value. The World Health Organisation (WHO) and the International Society of Hypertension (ISH) have developed the following summary for classifying blood pressure values:
What do the two blood pressure values mean?
Results indicator | Evaluation | Systolic pressure | Diastolic pressure | Recommendation |
red | Grade 3 hypertension | above 179 mmHg
| above 109 mmHg | Consult a doctor |
orange | Grade 2 hypertension | 160 - 179 mmHg | 100 - 109 mmHg | Consult a doctor |
yellow | Grade 1 hypertension | 140 - 159 mmHg | 90 - 99 mmHg | Regular examinations by a doctor |
green | Normal threshold | 130 - 139 mmHg | 85 - 89 mmHg | Regular examinations by a doctor |
green | normal | 120 - 129 mmHg | 80 - 84 mmHg | Self-monitor |
green | optimal | up to 119 mmHg | up to 79 mmHg | Self-monitor |
Source: WHO, 1999 (World Health Organisation)
Established hypertension (high blood pressure) is defined as having a systolic value of at least 140 mmHg and/or a diastolic value of at least 90 mmHg. In general, low blood pressure (hypotension) is defined as a systolic value below 105 mmHg and a diastolic value of 60mmHg. However, the threshold between normal and low blood pressure (hypotension) is not as accurately specified as the threshold for high blood pressure (hypertension). Hypotension may be associated with symptoms such as dizziness, fatigue, tendency to faint, visual disturbances or high pulse rate. In order to ensure that hypotension or the associated symptoms are not signs of a serious illness, a doctor should be consulted in case of doubt.
Constantly elevated blood pressure levels significantly increases the risk of developing other medical conditions. Physical consequences of high blood pressure, e.g. heart attack, stroke and organ damage, are the most common causes of death worldwide. Daily blood pressure monitoring is therefore an important tool that can help to protect you from these risks. You should discuss this with your doctor, especially if you have frequently elevated or borderline blood pressure values. (The Veroval® medi.connect software lets you share your readings easily with your doctor by email or as a print-out.) Your doctor will then take the necessary steps.