
Ramenný tlakomer

na presné a šetrné meranie
Obrázok ramenného tlakomera Veroval®

Ramenný tlakomer na presné a šetrné meranie

  • Veľký displej, na ktorom namerané hodnoty jednoducho prečítate
  • Odhalí a zobrazí srdcové arytmie
  • Jednoduchá analýza nameraných hodnôt pomocou svetelných kontroliek
  • Pohodlná univerzálna veľkosť manžety s ergonomickým prispôsobením
  • Integrovaná kontrola tesnosti manžety
  • USB kábel je súčasťou balenia

Vysoká presnosť overená:

Pri meraní ramenným tlakomerom Veroval® bola preukázaná mimoriadna presnosť
a Európska spoločnosť pre hypertenziu tomuto tlakomeru udelila pečať kvality.

Logo Európske spoločnosti pre hypertenziu

Technologie Comfort Air

Inovatívny tlakomer Veroval® s technológiou Comfort Air je garantom pohodlného merania. Pri prvom meraní je potrebné manžetu nahustiť na hodnotu 190 mmHg. Pri ďalšom meraní sa už tlak nahustenia na základe predchádzajúcich hodnôt sám upraví na potrebnú hodnotu. To zaručuje pohodlnejšie meranie na ramene.

Logo Technológie Comfort Air

NÁVOD: Prenos dát z tlakomeru Veroval® do softvéru medi.connect

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We use the so-called extended privacy mode to integrate YouTube videos. In this mode, the setting of YouTube cookies on your device is initially blocked when you visit our website. Only when you click on the preview image the video will be loaded. This is possible by the fact that you are technically redirected to the YouTube website. From that point on, we no longer have any control over what data is sent to YouTube and what cookies or other means are used by YouTube to track users or analyze user behavior. For more information about YouTube's use of cookies, please see the Google Privacy Policy and the Google's cookie policy. Once a YouTube cookie is set, you can delete it from your browser at any time. For more information about deleting cookies, please refer to the website of your browser provider.

Správne meranie krvného tlaku

Preview image YouTube videos
We use the so-called extended privacy mode to integrate YouTube videos. In this mode, the setting of YouTube cookies on your device is initially blocked when you visit our website. Only when you click on the preview image the video will be loaded. This is possible by the fact that you are technically redirected to the YouTube website. From that point on, we no longer have any control over what data is sent to YouTube and what cookies or other means are used by YouTube to track users or analyze user behavior. For more information about YouTube's use of cookies, please see the Google Privacy Policy and the Google's cookie policy. Once a YouTube cookie is set, you can delete it from your browser at any time. For more information about deleting cookies, please refer to the website of your browser provider.

Tlakomery Veroval s chytrou manžetou Secure fit

Preview image YouTube videos
We use the so-called extended privacy mode to integrate YouTube videos. In this mode, the setting of YouTube cookies on your device is initially blocked when you visit our website. Only when you click on the preview image the video will be loaded. This is possible by the fact that you are technically redirected to the YouTube website. From that point on, we no longer have any control over what data is sent to YouTube and what cookies or other means are used by YouTube to track users or analyze user behavior. For more information about YouTube's use of cookies, please see the Google Privacy Policy and the Google's cookie policy. Once a YouTube cookie is set, you can delete it from your browser at any time. For more information about deleting cookies, please refer to the website of your browser provider.

Veroval® medi.connect

Prihláste sa a majte svoje zdravie pod kontrolou: jednoducho ukladajte
a vyhodnocujte údaje priamo na svojom zariadení. Údaje možno analyzovať
podľa dní, týždňov či mesiacov a automaticky generovať prehľadné grafy a tabuľky. Svojmu lekárovi môžete výsledky vytlačiť a priniesť alebo jednoducho zaslať e-mailom.
Notebook s obrazovkou Veroval medi.connect